Livros de Aspatore Books

Capa do livro Bigwig Briefs: Become a CTO: Leading Chief Technology Officers on What It Takes to Get There, Stay There and Empower Others That Work with You

Bigwig Briefs: Become a CTO: Leading...

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Capa do livro Bigwig Briefs: The Art of Deal Making: Leading Vcs and Lawyers Reveal the Secrets to Negotiating, Leveraging Your Position and Inking Deals

Bigwig Briefs: The Art of Deal Making:...

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Capa do livro Executive Reports: Finding and Financing Your Franchise - The Over-Arching Issues You Need to Know

Executive Reports: Finding and...

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Capa do livro Structuring Golden Parachute Agreements - The Over-Arching Issues You Need to Know (Executive Reports)

Structuring Golden Parachute Agreements...

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A intenção do autor, com esta pequena obra, é apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que te farão um leitor melhor, lhe ensinando a absorver mais conteúdo e ser mais produtivo nesse momento. Tudo isso através de uma linguagem acessível e bem objetiva.

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